Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Awesome Ballet news!!!!

So, last Thursday I had my usual ballet technique class and it was pretty good. My teacher followed my fellow dancers and I ouside and said hello to our mothers. My mom asked my ballet teacher about what classes I should take this summer. My ballet tecaher told my mom that we would have to wait for her to e-mail my mom because she hasn't heard from 'the shoe fitter' yet. My mom and I both got excited when she said this because we had a feeling it was going to be...
"But, if Jacqueline wants to do the POINTE class she'll have to do the ballet IV class which is followed by the  pointe class." I was SO shocked and surprised when she said this I coulldn't even believe it! She is seriously going to let me start pointework this summer!!! I can't wait!!!! Now, I feel like all my hard work has really apid off. I know that this is just the very beggining of all the hardwork I will have to spend in the ballet studio, but I'm extremley dediacted and incredibly hard working and my teacher has definitley noticed this. I still can barely get over the fact that she's letting me start pointe. I should get my first pointe shoe fitting within the next few weeks so, we'll see how it all goes and everything. I'm so happy! I can't wait. When I found out my teacher was letting me start pointe that when my mom and I went into the car I burst into tears of joy!  I know about pointe work and how it causes your toes to bleed, it hurts, it gives you bunions and blisters, etc. but for right now I'm going to just enjoy the amazing moment.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Google Art Contest

Hey, everyone so as most of you know at the end of the school year it's cram time with homework, projects, and making sure you still get good grades to follow what your teachers say and end the school year on a "high note". Well, just now I went on the internet because I have to complete some homework online and because Google is my laptop's homepage I came across the Google Art Contest and I decidely to quickly check out the finalists' entries. Well, first of all let me say EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM IS ABSOLOUTLEY AMAZNG and you should definitley check them out, but while I was going through the entries I noticed one that definitley caught my attention immediatley!

Famous Ballets
"If I could travel to any "pointe" in time I'd visit the late 1800's to the early 1900's to see famous ballets of that time. I would see all the beautiful dancers en pointe and be a spectator of their magnificent jumps, turns, leaps, and graceful skills. "
Kathryn P, Grand Forks, ND, Grade 9

Isn't that drawing gorgeous?!... and it's about ballet! Because of the fact that I'm a ballet dancer I'm probably being biased, but I think it's my favorite. Don't get me wrong, however. I think every single drawing deserves to win WITHOUT A DOUBT, but this one certainly caught my attention. I'm under a lot of pressure with school work and friends, and what ballet level I'll be doing this summer/fall and if I'm strong enough to start pointework and all that other stress we dancers go through, however sometimes it's important to remember that everyone goes through their own stresses and how no ballet dancer had it easy and that this is normal for everyone both dancers and non-dancers, and it's also very important to rember how exceptionally blessed I am and to just keep trying to be positive with ballet as these challenges wll carry with me for the rest of my ballet dancing life regardless if I only make ballet to a strong pre-professional level with a top ballet school or I end up signing  a contract with a top ballet company. I have made a very big outline for myself marking my training as my route to becoming a professional ballet dancer. This outline of my proffessiional training life is much easier said/heard than done, however I know that I can't focus on that for right noe instead I need to enjoy the beautiful ballet entry for Google and be glad I was given the wonderful opportunity to dance in the fist place.