Monday, April 16, 2012

Ballet class!

So, today I had my regular technique class and I'm actually really proud of myself. I'm working so incredibly hard with keeping my shoulders back, obtaining a higher arabesque with the supporting leg in releve, keeping my legs straight, and remembering to lengthen my arms even after completing a wonderful balance. My wonderful teacher told me today during class, "Jacqueline, your balance was sooo good, but rember to bring your armsdown slowly and bring them through second position before completely bringing them down into prepartory position." That's what I constanlty work at achieving and I'm improvinga ton. My ballet school is very small, and yet it has trained many professional ballet dancers and has gotten them scholarships to summer intensive programs and year-round progarms to some of the top professional ballet schools in the U.S. It's pretty funny to think about, but what would you really expect from a pre-professional ballet school thats trained proffessional artists? Walls, that were a differnt color, no pictures of the pre-professional company dancers from your school, brighter lights, different flooring?? Hardly.

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