Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Black Swan vs. Dance Moms

Ok, so yeah I guess a TON comes to mind when reading this title, but i'm here to share all the (majority of it negative) things I think on the t.v. show, Dance Moms and the award winning movie Black Swan. So, first off is Dance Moms.

I think this can be semi-entertaining to watch which is pretty obvious considering the fact that it has gotten millions of views.  For the very few of you who don't know Dance Moms is a t.v. show about a small group of dancers who rehearse and train at the Abby Lee Dance Studio where they train under the direction of the cruel and dramatic dance teacher, abby Lee Miller, but every dance day is its own story with the mothers trying to push their daughetrs up to the top of a pyramid. It includes "awesome" drama and best of all dance!! So, what's not to love about this Lifetime show? Well, let's hit the rewind button first. The drama in Dance Moms always seem so fake, and the moms' insane shallow-ness makes the drama appear that way. All we hear is the dance moms complaining to the audience and Abby Lee Miller about how their dance daughters aren't in the spotlight enough. Ummm. hello?! Your daughters AND you are constantly on t.v. for your hit reality show, you are interviews, TONS of girls know your faces and a ton of things are constantly going viral about you guys (take this blog for instance, your daughters are healthy, pretty, wonderful dancers, AND your daughters win dance competitions and shcolarships all the time... and then there's people in India trying to find bugs to eat for dinner so they can stay alive..... Yeah Christy remind me one more time why you're upset this time?, and yeah so the drama's for entertainment but how much of it do you REALLY think is legit?? Also, it's sooooooo annoying when people talk about their favorite dancers!!! Everyone always says how much they hate Maddie and like so and so better, but the truth is Maddie's very good at dance for her age and her artistry is incredible for such a young dancer. For those of you Brooke Fans out there let'sbe honest with ourselves Brooke really can't act to save her like. She an amazing dancer, but Her artistry just really isn't there. Pasting a fake smile on your face isn't good acting, sorry. So, next time someone asks you who your favorite DANCER is say a dancer who is a more realistic choice. When someone asks you who your favorite CHARACTER is say whoever you like...just saying.

And now it's time for Black Swan. I have many different views on this oscar winning movie. First of all I have to say (and this goes for Dance Moms too) I'm not sure if I like dance being out in the media because I like how it raises dance awarness but at the same time dance becoming more widely known increases bad stereotypes (as if there weren't enough already) and having mothers of dancers fighting doesn't really raise much awarness except more about teh crazy people on this world. I always say how I much I wish dance (particularily ballet of course!) would be televised more often, but when I say this I don't mean having fake t.v. shows and movies I mean showing a ballet (or any dance) performance in its own original, beautiful raw form. Showing the ballet La Esmeralda is VERY VERY VERY different then showing a psychotic, hallucinating professional ballet dancer who is driving herself to Cukoo Land, although for the record I personally have never seen the movie, but I have seen the trailer and enough interviews about it to know plenty. There was nothing, however that aggravated me more then at the Oscars when they announced Natalie Portman by calling her a "ballerina", yeah she had a body double in that movie people that wasn't really her dancing!!!!!!!!!,and even if there was for some extermley odd reason that Portman could do even a quarter of the intricate balet steps os Swan Lake she still isn't a ballerina because for the MANY MANY MANY of you who don't know this a ballerina is a professional ballet dancer who is the principal dancer for her ballet company. Even if you dance professionally it doesn't mean you are  a ballerina and tehre is no such thing as a male ballerina!!!,and also she's an actress so, why are you calling her a ballerina? Sarah Lane, a soloist for the infamous American Ballet Theatre, was Portman's body double and believe me shehas had PLENTY of ballet training and experience. Seriously, go see the interview with Sarah Lane and the newsreporter Sarah Lane made her words very clearly and I totally respect her for that. The whole time I watched the interview, I kept thinking, "Yeah, you go girl!!" I do like how Portman said she liked dance and respected ballet but very few people have seen that interview.

So, yes this is what I think on the media involved with dance and I know it's kinda a lot, but that's how I am: extremely opinionated.

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