Sunday, April 15, 2012


So, yeah today I woke up at 8am (pretty late for me!) and I flat ironed my hair, pony tailed it, did my makeup, ate breakfast, and what am I doing now?? Blogging, duh! Today I'm going to finish some homework that I didn't finish on Friday (during school) and then, I'm probably going shopping at the mall which will be awesome considering the fact that I haven't been to the mall in about four weeks! Then, I will also probably stretch which I do everyday to stay flexible throughout the week. There's nothing worse than waking up and having to do five different stretches before you can slide fully into your splits. I'm currently also in the process of planning out my summer and fall for dance and also planning out my ballet auditions for this year (which will be a first.) Well, that's it for now. Also, don't be afraid to comment or write questions on my blog! I'd love to answer them!

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